New Live Chat Support

Author: Brandon Louw

    less than 1 minute read    

We’re making it even easier for you to get the support that you need with the introduction of our live chat functionality. When logging into the SimplePay system, a new icon now appears in the bottom corner that allows you to initiate a live chat with our friendly support team.


This means that you can start a chat from any area in the system while capturing payroll and get the answers that you need. To send our support team a message, simply click on the chat icon, type your message and press enter.


Please note that while we strive to minimise our response times, these may vary during peak times. If the chat indicates that the team will only be back tomorrow or Monday, please do not hesitate to send us a message and we will respond as soon as we return to the office. Alternatively, our comprehensive help site is also always available for more information.

If you have a longer query, you are of course still welcome to send this to our support team via email at [email protected]

We look forward to helping you!

Team SimplePay